[AIG Letterhead]
July 28, 2010
Mr. Jim B. Rosenberg
Senior Assistant Chief Accountant
United States Securities and Exchange Commission
Division of Corporation Finance
100 F Street, NE
Mail Stop 4720
Washington, D.C. 20549
Re: |
American International Group, Inc.
Form 10-Q for the Fiscal Quarter Ended March 31, 2010
File No. 001-8787 |
Dear Mr. Rosenberg:
We are in receipt of your letter dated June 28, 2010 with respect to American International Group,
Inc.s (AIG) Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended March 31, 2010 (First
Quarter Form 10-Q). This letter sets forth AIGs responses to the Staffs comments contained in
your letter.
AIG acknowledges that the adequacy and accuracy of the disclosure in the First Quarter Form 10-Q is
the responsibility of AIG, that Staff comments or changes to disclosure in response to Staff
comments do not foreclose the Securities and Exchange Commission (the Commission) from taking any
action with respect to the First Quarter Form 10-Q and that Staff comments may not be asserted by
AIG as a defense in any proceeding initiated by the Commission or any person under the Federal
securities laws of the United States.
We have repeated your comments below to facilitate your review.
Item 1. Financial Statements (Unaudited)
Consolidated Statement of Equity, page 10
1. |
You present a $2,161 million decrease due to deconsolidation in the
consolidated statement of equity. Please revise to identify the transactions to which
this deconsolidation relates. |
AIG Response:
Substantially all of the $2,161 million decrease to the Non-controlling Interests balance reported
in the First Quarter Form 10-Q related to the sale of AIGs investment advisory and third-party
asset management business which occurred on March 26, 2010. This transaction, which met the
criteria for held-for-sale presentation, was disclosed in Note 3 to the Consolidated Financial
Statements, Discontinued Operations and Held-for-Sale Classification. Beginning with the Quarterly
Report on Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended June 30, 2010 (Second Quarter Form 10-Q), AIG
will enhance the disclosure in Note 10 to the Consolidated Financial Statements, Total Equity and
Earnings (Loss) Per Share to indicate that this decline primarily related to the sale of AIGs
investment advisory and third-party asset management business.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
5. Fair Value Measurements, page 22
2. |
Please revise your disclosures for assets and liabilities classified as Level 2
and Level 3 to quantify the inputs used in determining the fair value of each class of
assets and liabilities as required by ASC 820-10-50-2e, as amended by ASU 2010-06.
Please see ASC 820-10-55-22A for examples of the inputs to be disclosed. |
AIG Response:
AIG will revise the disclosures related to fair value measurements in its Second Quarter Form 10-Q
to provide additional detail on the valuation techniques and inputs used in determining the fair
value of AIGs assets and liabilities classified as Level 2 and Level 3, by class. The proposed
revisions are shown in the appendix (revisions to the disclosures in the First Quarter Form 10-Q
are marked). Consistent with the guidance in ASC 820-10-50-2e, as amended by ASU 2010-06, AIGs
revised disclosures will provide a description of valuation techniques and the inputs used in
determining fair values for these assets and liabilities, in particular AIGs investments,
considering overall materiality and the number of the individual components of each class.
Consistent with the guidance and example in ASC 2010-10-55-22A and 22B, these disclosures will
include quantitative information on the inputs used for significant positions, such as Maiden Lane
II and Maiden Lane III, for which AIG determines fair value using an income approach that employs
an internal model. There are no other individually significant investments for which AIG uses an
internal model to determine fair value. See Note 5 to the Consolidated Financial Statements, Fair
Value Measurements Valuation Methodologies AIGFPs Super Senior Credit Default Swap Portfolio
in the First Quarter Form 10-Q for a discussion of the model used to determine the fair values of
AIGs super senior credit default swap portfolio. Consistent with example ASC 2010-10-55-22A(c),
AIG will also disclose how third-party information, such as broker quotes, pricing services and net
asset values, is considered in determining fair value. For the majority of other Level 2 and Level
3 financial assets and financial liabilities, AIG primarily relies on the outside pricing services
and other third-party quote providers as inputs into its fair value process. AIG performs due
diligence on these pricing sources, including evaluating its own trade information and other market
data to validate the quotes received.
9. Commitments, Contingencies and Guarantees
Asset Dispositions, page 72
3. |
Please revise to describe and quantify the financial guarantees and indemnity
arrangements provided in connection with your planned sale of ALICO. |
AIG Response:
AIG proposes to provide revised disclosures in its Second Quarter Form 10-Q related to financial
guarantees and indemnity arrangements as follows, subject to changes in circumstances (revisions
from the disclosures contained in the First Quarter Form 10-Q are marked):
General. AIG is also subject to financial guarantees and indemnity arrangements in
connection with the completed sales of businesses pursuant to its asset disposition plan,
including the sales of AIA and ALICO. The various arrangements indemnities and guarantees
may be triggered by, among other things, declines in asset values, the occurrence of specified
business contingencies, the realization of contingent liabilities, developments in litigation,
or breaches of representations, warranties or covenants provided by AIG. These
arrangements obligations are typically subject to various time limitations, defined by the
contract or by operation of law, such as statutes of limitation. In some cases, the maximum
potential obligation is subject to contractual limitations, while in other cases such limitations
are not specified or are not applicable.
AIG is unable to develop an reasonable estimate of the maximum potential payout
under certain of these arrangements guarantees and indemnifications. However,
Overall, AIG believes that it is unlikely it will have to make any material payments
related to completed sales under these arrangements, and no significant material
liabilities related to these arrangements have been recorded in the Consolidated Balance Sheet. See
Note 1 herein for additional information on sales of businesses and asset dispositions.
ALICO. Under the terms of the announced sale of ALICO, the purchase price must be adjusted
based on conditions existing at closing and/or the occurrence of certain events including the
maintenance of a minimum risk-based-capital ratio, the settlement of amounts due to or from AIG
affiliates, and the level of earnings during the 12 months ended May 31, 2010. AIG expects the
transaction to close in the fourth quarter of 2010 and, as of June 30, 2010, AIG does not expect
the purchase price will be materially negatively adjusted as a result of the foregoing events or
AIG also agreed to provide MetLife with certain indemnifications upon completion of the sale,
the most significant of which include:
Indemnification related to breaches of general representations and
warranties with an aggregate deductible of $125 million and a maximum payout of
$2.25 billion. The indemnification extends for 21 months from the completion of the
sale. |
Indemnifications related to specific product, investment, litigation, and
other matters that are excluded from the general representations and warranties
indemnity. These indemnifications provide for various deductible amounts, which
in certain cases are zero, and maximum exposures, which in certain cases are
unlimited, and extend for various periods from the completion of the sale. |
Tax indemnifications related to insurance reserves that extend for three
years from the completion of the sale and that are limited to an aggregate $200
million, and certain other tax-related representations and warranties that extend
to the expiration of the statute of limitations and are subject to an aggregate
deductible of $50 million. |
In connection with the above, AIG agreed to place $3 billion of sales proceeds (consisting
initially of MetLife securities to be received upon the completion of the sale) into an escrow
arrangement that declines to zero over a 30-month period, with claims submitted related to the
indemnifications reducing the amount that can be released. Because the transaction had not closed
at June 30, 2010, no liabilities related to these indemnifications were recorded in the
Consolidated Balance Sheet.
10. Total Equity and Earnings (Loss) Per Share
Earnings (Loss) Per Share (EPS), page 75
4. |
You present all of the $519 million income attributable to non-controlling
nonvoting, callable, junior and senior preferred interests held by Federal Reserve Bank
of New York from continuing operations and none as discontinued operations. Please
tell us why this is appropriate. |
AIG Response:
For the three months ended March 31, 2010, the $519 million of income attributable to the
non-controlling, nonvoting, callable, junior and senior preferred interests held by the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York consisted of the prepaid preferred returns, the preferred returns, and the
participation rights (Returns) on the preferred interests issued by the ALICO and AIA special
purpose vehicles (SPVs) as described on page 314 of AIGs Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year
ended December 31, 2009. At March 31, 2010, AIG expected the ALICO and AIA SPVs (which are not
being disposed of in the ALICO and AIA sales transactions) would hold the securities issued by
MetLife, Inc. and Prudential plc in connection with the sales of ALICO and AIA for more than twelve
months and, therefore, AIG concluded the SPVs did not meet the criteria to be classified as held
for sale or discontinued operations. Consequently, AIG determined the Returns on the preferred
interests should be attributed to continuing operations.
14. Income Taxes, page 79
5. |
Please revise to describe and quantify the factors that you considered in
allocating the reduction in the valuation allowance between continuing and discontinued
operations. |
AIG Response:
The factors considered by AIG in allocating the reduction in the valuation allowance between
continuing and discontinued operations included the following:
The source of income that allowed for the release in the valuation allowance, which is
consistent with ASC 740-20-45-3. ASC 740-20-45-3 requires that the tax benefit of an
operating loss carryforward or carryback shall be reported in the same manner as the source
of the income in the current year that allows for its realization. |
The primacy of continuing operations, which is consistent with ASC 740-20-45-4, ASC
740-20-45-7, and ASC 740-20-45-8. ASC 740-20-45-4 requires that changes in the beginning
of the year balance of a valuation allowance caused by changes in judgment about the
realization of deferred tax assets in future years are allocated to continuing operations
subject to certain exceptions. ASC 740-20-45-7 requires all items (e.g., extraordinary
items, discontinued operations, and other comprehensive income) be considered in
determining the amount of tax benefit that results from a loss from continuing operations
and that shall be allocated to continuing operations. ASC 740-20-45-8 requires that
certain items be recorded in continuing operations even if they relate to items in other
income components (e.g., changes in tax rates and changes in tax status). |
Consistency in the application and accounting for the establishment and release of
valuation allowance, e.g., in accordance with ASC 740-20, as well as other generally
accepted accounting principles. |
AIG proposes to revise the disclosures related to intra-period income tax allocation in the
Second Quarter 2010 Form 10-Q in a manner similar to the following for the six months ended June
30, 2010 (for this purpose, planned revisions to disclosures included within the First Quarter 2010
Form 10-Q are marked):
In any interim period, the AIGs U.S. consolidated income tax group may generate income or
loss. To the extent that any operating income is generated, the related tax expense may be
offset by a reduction in the valuation allowance. Conversely, any tax benefits arising from
operating losses may be offset by an additional valuation allowance to reduce the net
deferred tax asset to an amount that is more likely than not to be realized. Any reduction
of the valuation allowance will be allocated to continuing operations, discontinued
operations and components of shareholders equity based on the intraperiod tax allocation
rules. |
For the three-month period ended March 31, 2010, the effective tax rate on the
pre-tax income from continuing operations was (10.9) percent and the effective tax
rate on the pre-tax income from included in discontinued operations was
(13.1) percent. The effective tax rates were was negative because AIG
recorded tax benefits on pre-tax income from continuing and discontinued
operations. The tax benefit attributable to continuing operations totaled
$151 million and was primarily due to a
decreases in the deferred tax
asset valuation allowance to |
reflect the tax effect of $82 million related to certain subsidiaries that
file separate income tax returns, $140 million which principally offsets the tax
expense related to the pre-tax income from continuing operations of $835 million
earned during the quarter, and changes in the valuation allowance of subsidiaries
that file separate income tax returns., and The tax benefit attributable
to discontinued operations totaled $665 million and primarily related to
increases changes in the expected gains from the planned divestiture of
subsidiaries based on events occurring in the quarter. and included in
discontinued operations. |
In making its determination of the fair values of the subsidiaries to be sold, AIG
considered, among other information, valuations prepared for various purposes by
third parties. |
Item 2. Managements Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of
General Insurance, page 90
6. |
We note your disclosure about AIGs exposure to losses resulting from the
explosion on the Deepwater Horizon offshore drilling rig. Please advise us of AIGs
connection to the event, including the party or parties AIG insured, either directly or
indirectly, and the types of losses insured. With respect to the types of losses
insured, please discuss both direct losses resulting from the explosion and indirect
losses that may result from the event. |
AIG Response:
AIGs principal exposures to the explosion and resulting oil spill derive from property and
casualty insurance policies written by Chartis.
Chartis insured 10 percent of the oil rigs property coverage, which Chartis has paid in full. The
Chartis net loss after reinsurance was approximately $22 million. Chartis also participated in Company As
Marine Liability coverage totaling $3.1 million in net exposure.
also fronted a policy which was fully reinsured to the captive
insurance company of a party associated with the event. As of
July 27, 2010, Chartis has paid all amounts expected to be paid
under this fronting policy and has received full reimbursement from
the captive.
Chartis insured $700 million in gross limits for first-and-third party exposures to Company B,
which was fully reinsured by Company Bs captive insurance company. This policy had a sub-limit of
$300 million for general liability exposures. The remaining limits of $400 million applied to
control of the well costs (including the costs of drilling the relief wells). In late June 2010,
Chartis paid the $300 million general liability limit in full and received a corresponding $300
million reinsurance payment from the captive, resulting in no net loss to Chartis. As of July 27,
2010, Chartis had paid claims of $290 million for control of the well coverages and received a
corresponding $290 million in reinsurance payments from the captive. Chartis does not expect the
costs to control the well covered by this policy to exceed this amount.
Chartis has identified eight other insureds that are
involved in the oilfield services industry, and which provided either hardware or services to the
Deepwater Horizon rig. Chartis total net exposure under policies issued to these companies is
less than $700 million, with individual net policy net exposure ranging from $30 million to $157
million. Chartis believes that its carried loss reserves at June 30, 2010 are adequate to cover
the estimated losses attributable to these policies arising from this event . However, such
estimate may change over time, as the forensic investigation is incomplete, the cleanup is
incomplete, and the litigation has only just begun. There may also be other policyholders involved
as the matter evolves. The types of claims may include cleanup costs, both directly incurred and
those for which reimbursement to the government may be required; natural resource damages,
including damages to the various fisheries impacted by the spill; property damage to private
property; business interruption to Gulf Coast businesses; the bodily injury and wrongful death
claims of the workers on the rig; claims for the destruction of the rig itself and various class
actions brought by Gulf Coast residents on various theories of liability. In addition, it is
uncertain how the $20 billion cleanup fund established by BP may affect claims under Chartis
policies, as injured parties may seek compensation from the fund rather than through their own or
others insurance policies.
Credit Risk Management, page 175
AIG Response: General Insurance, Page 90
7. |
You disclose that nine countries had cross-border exposures in excess of 10% of
total equity at March 31, 2010 and December 31, 2009. Your disclosure about
concentration does not appear to comply fully with note 6 to Article 7-03.1 of
Regulation S-X. Please revise to disclose in the notes to the consolidated financial
statements the name and aggregate amount invested in each person and its affiliates
that exceeds 10% of your total stockholders equity. |
AIG Response:
The disclosure cited by the Staff is the sum of all AIGs credit and equity exposures (including
AIGs investments in and advances to its consolidated subsidiaries), to many individual issuers
within a country that may be, but not necessarily will be, affected by political and economic
developments within a country. Note 6 to Article 7-03.1 of Regulation S-X, on the other hand,
applies to exposures to a third party and its affiliates and not to unrelated third parties located
in the same country or AIGs investments or advances to subsidiaries in a particular country.
We confirm to the Staff that there are no persons or their affiliates that exceed 10 percent of
AIGs total shareholders equity requiring disclosure pursuant to note 6 of Article 7-03.1 of
Regulation S-X.
If you have any questions or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact
me at (212) 770-5123.
Very truly yours, |
/s/ Kathleen E. Shannon |
Kathleen E. Shannon |
Senior Vice President & Deputy General Counsel |
Excerpt from AIG First Quarter Form 10-Q, marked for proposed changes
Note: Added text is indicated via underlining and deleted text is indicated by
5. Fair Value Measurements
Fair Value Measurements on a Recurring Basis
AIG measures the following financial instruments at fair value on a recurring basis:
trading and available for sale securities portfolios; |
certain mortgage and other loans receivable; |
derivative assets and liabilities; |
securities purchased/sold under agreements to resell/repurchase; |
non-traded equity investments and certain private limited partnerships and
certain hedge funds included in other invested assets; |
certain short-term investments; |
separate and variable account assets; |
certain policyholder contract deposits; |
securities and spot commodities sold but not yet purchased; |
certain trust deposits and deposits due to banks and other depositors; |
certain CPFF; |
certain long-term debt; and |
certain hybrid financial instruments included in Other liabilities. |
The fair value of a financial instrument is the amount that would be received to sell an asset
or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between willing, able and knowledgeable
market participants at the measurement date.
The degree of judgment used in measuring the fair value of financial instruments generally
correlates with the level of pricing observability. Financial instruments with quoted prices in
active markets generally have more pricing observability and less judgment is used in measuring
fair value. Conversely, financial instruments traded in other-than-active markets or those
that do not have quoted prices have less observability and are measured at fair value using
valuation models or other pricing techniques that require more judgment. An active market is one in
which transactions for the asset or liability being valued occur with sufficient frequency and
volume to provide pricing information on an ongoing basis. An other-than-active market is one in
which there are few transactions, the prices are not current, price quotations vary substantially
either over time or among market makers, or in which little information is released publicly for
the asset or liability being valued. Pricing observability is affected by a number of factors,
including the type of financial instrument, whether the financial instrument is new to the market
and not yet established, the characteristics specific to the transaction and general market
Fair Value Hierarchy
Assets and liabilities recorded at fair value in the Consolidated Balance Sheet are measured
and classified in a hierarchy for disclosure purposes consisting of three levels based on the
observability of inputs available in the marketplace used to measure the fair values as discussed
Level 1: Fair value measurements that are quoted prices (unadjusted) in active
markets that AIG has the ability to access for identical assets or liabilities. Market
price data generally is obtained from exchange or dealer markets. AIG does not adjust
the quoted price for such instruments. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value on
a recurring basis and classified as Level 1 include certain government and agency
securities, actively traded listed common stocks and derivative contracts, most
separate account assets and most mutual funds. |
Level 2: Fair value measurements based on inputs other than quoted prices
included in Level 1, that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or
indirectly. Level 2 inputs include quoted prices for similar assets and liabilities in
active markets, and inputs other than quoted prices that are observable for the asset
or liability, such as interest rates and yield curves that are observable at commonly
quoted intervals. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis
and classified as Level 2 generally include certain government and agency securities,
most investment-grade and high-yield corporate bonds, certain residential
mortgage-backed securities (RMBS), commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS) and
collateralized debt obligations/asset backed securities (CDO/ABS), certain listed
equities, state, municipal and provincial obligations, hybrid securities, mutual fund
and hedge fund investments, certain derivative contracts, guaranteed investment
agreements (GIAs) and CPFF at AIGFP, other long-term debt and physical commodities. |
Level 3: Fair value measurements based on valuation techniques that use
significant inputs that are unobservable. These measurements include circumstances in
which there is little, if any, market activity for the asset or liability. In certain
cases, the inputs used to measure fair value may fall into different levels of the fair
value hierarchy. In such cases, the level in the fair value hierarchy within which the
fair value measurement in its entirety falls is determined based on the lowest level
input that is significant to the fair value measurement in its entirety. AIGs
assessment of the significance of a particular input to the fair value measurement in
its entirety requires judgment. In making the assessment, AIG considers factors
specific to the asset or liability. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a
recurring basis and classified as Level 3 include certain RMBS, CMBS and CDO/ABS,
corporate debt, certain municipal and sovereign debt, certain derivative contracts
(including AIGFPs super senior credit default swap portfolio), policyholder contract
deposits carried at fair value, private equity and real estate fund investments, and
direct private equity investments. AIGs non-financial instrument assets that are
measured at fair value on a non-recurring basis generally are classified as Level 3. |
The following is a description of the valuation methodologies used for instruments carried at
fair value. These methodologies are applied to assets and liabilities across the levels noted
above, and it is the observability of the inputs used that determine the appropriate level in the
fair value hierarchy for the respective asset or liability.
Valuation Methodologies
Incorporation of Credit Risk in Fair Value Measurements
AIGs Own Credit Risk. Fair value measurements for AIGFPs debt, GIAs,
structured note liabilities and freestanding derivatives incorporate AIGs own credit
risk by determining the explicit cost for each counterparty to protect against its net
credit exposure to AIG at the balance sheet date by reference to observable AIG credit
default swap or cash bond spreads. A counterpartys net credit exposure to AIG is
determined based on master netting agreements, when applicable, which take into
consideration all positions with AIG, as well as collateral posted by AIG with the
counterparty at the balance sheet date. |
Fair value measurements for embedded policy derivatives and policyholder contract
deposits take into consideration that policyholder liabilities are senior in priority to
general creditors of AIG and therefore are much less sensitive to changes in AIG credit
default swap or cash issuance spreads. |
Counterparty Credit Risk. Fair value measurements for freestanding derivatives
incorporate counterparty credit by determining the explicit cost for AIG to protect
against its net credit exposure to each counterparty at the balance sheet date by
reference to observable counterparty credit default swap spreads, when available. When
not available, other directly or indirectly observable credit spreads are used to
derive the best estimates of the counterparty spreads. AIGs net credit exposure to a
counterparty is determined based on master netting agreements, which take into
consideration all derivative positions with the counterparty, as well as collateral
posted by the counterparty at the balance sheet date. |
CDS is a derivative contract that allows the transfer of third-party credit risk from one party to the other. The buyer of the CDS pays an upfront and/or annual premium to the seller. The
sellers payment obligation is triggered by the occurrence of a credit event under a specified
reference security and is determined by the loss on that specified reference security. The present
value of the amount of the annual and/or upfront premium therefore represents a market-based
expectation of the likelihood that the specified reference party will fail to perform on the
reference obligation, a key market observable indicator of non-performance risk (the CDS spread).
Fair values for fixed maturity securities based on observable market prices for identical or
similar instruments implicitly incorporate counterparty credit risk. Fair values for fixed maturity
securities based on internal models incorporate counterparty credit risk by using discount rates
that take into consideration cash issuance spreads for similar instruments or other observable
The cost of credit protection is determined under a discounted present value approach
considering the market levels for single name CDS spreads for each specific counterparty, the mid
market value of the net exposure (reflecting the amount of protection required) and the weighted
average life of the net exposure. CDS spreads are provided to AIG by an independent third party.
AIG utilizes an interest rate based on the benchmark London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) curve to
derive its discount rates.
While this approach does not explicitly consider all potential future behavior of the
derivative transactions or potential future changes in valuation inputs, AIG believes this approach
provides a reasonable estimate of the fair value of the assets and liabilities, including
consideration of the impact of non-performance risk.
Fixed Maturity Securities Trading and Available for Sale
AIG maximizes the use of observable inputs and minimizes the use of unobservable inputs when
measuring fair value. Whenever available, AIG obtains quoted prices in active markets for identical
assets at the balance sheet date to measure at fair value fixed maturity securities at fair
value in its trading and available for sale portfolios. Market price data is generally obtained
from dealer markets.
AIG management is responsible for the determination of the value of the investments
carried at fair value and the supporting methodologies and assumptions. AIG employs independent
third-party valuation service providers to gather, analyze, and interpret market information and
derive fair values based upon relevant methodologies and assumptions for individual instruments.
When AIGs valuation service providers are unable to obtain sufficient market observable
information upon which to estimate the fair value for a particular security, fair value is
determined either by requesting brokers who are knowledgeable about these securities to provide a
quote, which is generally non-binding, or by employing widely accepted internal valuation
Valuation service providers typically obtain data about market transactions and other key
valuation model inputs from multiple sources and, through the use of widely accepted internal
valuation models, provide a single fair value measurement for individual securities for which a
fair value has been requested under the terms of service agreements. The inputs used by the
valuation service providers include, but are not limited to, market prices from recently completed
transactions and transactions of comparable securities, benchmark yields, interest rate yield
curves, credit spreads, currency rates, and other market-observable information, as applicable. The
valuation models
take into account, among other things, market observable information as of the measurement
date as well as the specific attributes of the security being valued, including its term, interest
rate, credit rating, industry sector, and when applicable, collateral quality and other security or
issuer-specific information. When market transactions or other market observable data is limited,
the extent to which judgment is applied in determining fair value is greatly increased.
AIG has processes designed to ensure that the values received or internally estimated are
accurately recorded and that the data inputs and the valuation techniques utilized are appropriate,
consistently applied, and that the assumptions are reasonable and consistent with the objective of
determining fair value. AIG assesses the reasonableness of individual security values received from
valuation service providers through various analytical techniques. In addition, AIG may validate
the reasonableness of fair values by comparing information obtained from AIGs valuation service
providers to other third-party valuation sources for selected securities. AIG also validates prices
for selected securities obtained from brokers through reviews by members of management who have
relevant expertise and who are independent of those charged with executing investing
The methodology above is relevant for all fixed maturity securities; following are
discussions of certain procedures unique to specific classes of securities.
Fixed Maturity Securities issued by Government Entities For
most debt securities issued
by government entities, AIG obtains fair value information from independent third-party valuation
service providers, as quoted prices are generally only available for limited debt securities issued
by government entities. The fair values received from these valuation service providers may be
based on a market approach using matrix pricing, which considers a securitys relationship to other
securities for which a quoted price in an active market may be available, or alternatively based on
an income approach, which uses valuation techniques to convert future cash flows to a single
present value amount.
Fixed Maturity Securities issued by Corporate Entities For most debt securities issued
by corporate entities, AIG obtains fair value information from third-party valuation service
providers. For certain corporate debt instruments (for example, private placements) that are not
traded in active markets or that are subject to transfer restrictions, valuations are adjusted to
reflect illiquidity and/or non-transferability, and such adjustments generally are based on
available market evidence. In the absence of such evidence, managements best estimate is used.
RMBS, CMBS, CDOs and other ABS Third-party valuation service providers also provide
fair value information for the majority of AIG investments in RMBS, CMBS, CDOs and other ABS.
Where pricing is not available from valuation service providers, AIG obtains fair value information
from brokers. Broker prices may be based on an income approach, which converts expected future
cash flows to a single present value amount, with specific consideration of inputs relevant to
structured securities, including ratings, collateral types, geographic concentrations, underlying
loan vintages, loan delinquencies, and weighted average coupons and maturities. Broker prices may
also be based on a market approach that considers recent transactions involving identical or
similar securities. When the volume or level of market activity for an investment in RMBS, CMBS,
CDOs or other ABS is limited, certain inputs used to determine fair value may not be observable in
the market
AIG estimates the fair value of fixed maturity securities not traded in active markets,
including receivables (payables) arising from securities purchased (sold) under agreements to
resell (repurchase), and mortgage and other loans receivable for which AIG elected the fair value
option, by referring to traded securities with similar attributes, using dealer quotations, a
matrix pricing methodology, discounted cash flow analyses and/or internal valuation models. This
methodology considers such factors as the issuers industry, the securitys rating and tenor, its
coupon rate, its position in the capital structure of the issuer, yield curves, credit curves,
prepayment rates and other relevant factors. For certain fixed maturity instruments (for example,
private placements) that are not traded in active markets or that are subject to transfer
restrictions, valuations are adjusted to reflect illiquidity and/or non-transferability, and such
adjustments generally are based on available market evidence. In the absence of such evidence,
managements best estimate is used.
Maiden Lane II and Maiden Lane III
At their inception, ML II and ML III were valued and recorded at the transaction prices of $1
billion and $5 billion, respectively. Subsequently, the Maiden Lane Interests are valued using a
discounted cash flow methodology that uses the estimated future cash flows of the Maiden Lane
assets. AIG applies model-determined market discount rates to its interests. These discount rates
are calibrated to the changes in the estimated asset values for the underlying assets commensurate
with AIGs interests in the capital structure of the respective entities. Estimated cash flows and
discount rates used in the valuations are validated, to the extent possible, using market
observable information for securities with similar asset pools, structure and terms.
The fair value methodology used assumes that the underlying collateral in the Maiden Lane
Interests will continue to be held and generate cash flows into the foreseeable future and does not
assume a current liquidation of the assets underlying the Maiden Lane Interests. Other
methodologies employed or assumptions made in determining fair value for these investments could
result in amounts that differ significantly from the amounts reported.
Adjustments to the fair value of AIGs interest in ML II are recorded on the Consolidated
Statement of Income (Loss) in Net investment income for AIGs Domestic Life Insurance companies.
Adjustments to the fair value of AIGs interest in ML III are recorded on the Consolidated
Statement of Income (Loss) in Net investment income and, beginning in the second quarter of 2009,
were included in Other Noncore business results, reflecting the contribution to an AIG subsidiary.
Prior to the second quarter of 2009, such amounts had been included in Other Parent company
results. AIGs Maiden Lane Interests are included in bond trading securities, at fair value, on the
Consolidated Balance Sheet.
As of March 31, 2010, AIG expected to receive cash flows (undiscounted) in excess of AIGs
initial investment, and any accrued interest, in the Maiden Lane Interests over the remaining life
of the investments after repayment of the first priority obligations owed to the FRBNY. AIGs cash
flow methodology considers the capital structure of the collateral securities and their expected
credit losses from the underlying asset pools. The fair values of the Maiden Lane Interests are
most affected by changes in the discount rates and changes in the underlying estimated future
collateral cash flow assumptions used in the valuation model.
The LIBOR interest rate curve changes are determined based on observable prices, interpolated
or extrapolated to derive a LIBOR for a specific maturity term as necessary. The spreads over LIBOR
for the Maiden Lane Interests (including collateral-specific credit and liquidity spreads) can
change as a result of changes in market expectations about the future performance of these
investments as well as changes in the risk premium that market participants would demand at the
time of the transactions.
Changes in estimated future cash flows would primarily be the result of changes in
expectations for defaults, recoveries, and prepayments on underlying loans.
Changes in the discount rate or the estimated future cash flows used in the valuation would alter
AIGs estimate of the fair value of the Maiden Lane Interests as shown in the table below.
March 31, 2010 |
Fair Value Change |
(in millions) |
Maiden Lane II |
Maiden Lane III |
Discount Rates: |
200 basis point increase |
$ |
(90 |
) |
$ |
(659 |
) |
200 basis point decrease |
101 |
769 |
400 basis point increase |
(170 |
) |
(1,225 |
) |
400 basis point decrease |
215 |
1,672 |
Estimated Future Cash Flows: |
10% increase |
292 |
833 |
10% decrease |
(296 |
) |
(831 |
) |
20% increase |
579 |
1,661 |
20% decrease |
(588 |
) |
(1,653 |
) |
AIG believes that the ranges of discount rates used in these analyses are reasonable
based on implied spread volatilities of similar collateral securities and implied volatilities of
LIBOR interest rates. The ranges of estimated future cash flows were determined based on
variability in estimated future cash flows implied by cumulative loss estimates for similar
instruments. Because of these factors, the fair values of the Maiden Lane Interests are likely to
vary, perhaps materially, from the amount estimated.
Equity Securities Traded in Active Markets Trading and Available for Sale
AIG maximizes the use of observable inputs and minimizes the use of unobservable inputs when
measuring fair value. Whenever available, AIG obtains quoted prices in active markets for identical
assets at the balance sheet date to measure at fair value marketable equity securities in its
trading and available for sale portfolios. Market price data is generally obtained from exchange or
dealer markets.
Direct Private Equity Investments Other Invested Assets
AIG initially estimates the fair value of equity instruments not traded in active markets,
which includes direct private equity investments, by reference to the transaction price. This
valuation is adjusted for changes in inputs and assumptions which are corroborated by evidence such
as transactions in similar instruments, completed or pending third-party transactions in the
underlying investment or comparable entities, subsequent rounds of financing, recapitalizations and
other transactions across the capital structure, offerings in the equity capital markets, and/or
changes in financial ratios or cash flows. For equity securities that are not traded in active
markets or that are subject to transfer restrictions, valuations are adjusted to reflect
illiquidity and/or non-transferability and such adjustments generally are based on available market
evidence. In the absence of such evidence, managements best estimate is used.
Hedge Funds, Private Equity Funds and Other Investment Partnerships Other Invested Assets
AIG initially estimates the fair value of investments in certain hedge funds, private equity
funds and other investment partnerships by reference to the transaction price. Subsequently, AIG
generally obtains the fair value of these investments from net asset value information provided by
the general partner or manager of the investments, the financial statements of which are generally
audited annually. AIG considers observable market data and performs diligence procedures in
validating the appropriateness of using the net asset value as a fair value measurement.
Separate Account Assets
Separate account assets are composed primarily of registered and unregistered open-end mutual
funds that generally trade daily and are measured at fair value in the manner discussed above for
equity securities traded in active markets.
Other Assets Measured at Fair Value
Securities Purchased (Sold) under Agreements to Resell (Repurchase) AIG estimates the
fair value of receivables (payables) arising from securities purchased (sold) under agreements to
resell (repurchase) by referring to traded securities with similar attributes, using dealer
quotations, a matrix pricing methodology, discounted cash flow analyses and/or internal valuation
models. This methodology considers such factors as the issuers industry, the securitys rating and
tenor, its coupon rate, its position in the capital structure of the issuer, yield curves, credit
curves, prepayment rates and other relevant factors.
Short-term Investments For short-term investments that are measured at fair value, AIG
obtains fair value information from independent third-party valuation service providers. The
determination of fair value for these instruments is consistent with the process for fixed maturity
securities, as discussed above.
Loans Receivable AIG estimates the fair value of mortgage and other loans receivable by
using dealer quotations, discounted cash flow analyses and/or internal valuation models. The
determination of fair value
considers inputs such as interest rate, maturity, the borrowers creditworthiness,
collateral, subordination, guarantees, past-due status, yield curves, credit curves, prepayment
rates, market pricing for comparable loans and other relevant factors.
Freestanding Derivatives
Derivative assets and liabilities can be exchange-traded or traded over-the-counter (OTC). AIG
generally values exchange-traded derivatives using quoted prices in active markets for identical
derivatives at the balance sheet date.
OTC derivatives are valued using market transactions and other market evidence whenever
possible, including market-based inputs to models, model calibration to market clearing
transactions, broker or dealer quotations or alternative pricing sources with reasonable levels of
price transparency. When models are used, the selection of a particular model to value an OTC
derivative depends on the contractual terms of, and specific risks
inherent in, the instrument, as
well as the availability of pricing information in the market. AIG generally uses similar models to
value similar instruments. Valuation models require a variety of inputs, including contractual
terms, market prices and rates, yield curves, credit curves, measures of volatility, prepayment
rates and correlations of such inputs. For OTC derivatives that trade in liquid markets, such as
generic forwards, swaps and options, model inputs can generally be corroborated by observable
market data by correlation or other means, and model selection does not involve significant
management judgment.
Certain OTC derivatives trade in less liquid markets with limited pricing information, and the
determination of fair value for these derivatives is inherently more difficult. When AIG does not
have corroborating market evidence to support significant model inputs and cannot verify the model
to market transactions, the transaction price is initially used as the best estimate of fair value.
Accordingly, when a pricing model is used to value such an instrument, the model is adjusted so the
model value at inception equals the transaction price. Subsequent to initial recognition, AIG
updates valuation inputs when corroborated by evidence such as
similar market transactions, third-party pricing services and/or broker or dealer quotations, or other empirical market data. When
appropriate, valuations are adjusted for various factors such as liquidity, bid/offer spreads and
credit considerations. Such adjustments are generally based on available market evidence. In the
absence of such evidence, managements best estimate is used.
Embedded Policy Derivatives
The fair value of embedded policy derivatives contained in certain variable annuity and
equity-indexed annuity and life contracts is measured based on actuarial and capital market
assumptions related to projected cash flows over the expected lives of the contracts. These cash
flow estimates primarily include benefits and related fees assessed, when applicable, and
incorporate expectations about policyholder behavior. Estimates of future policyholder behavior are
subjective and based primarily on AIGs historical experience. With respect to embedded policy
derivatives in AIGs variable annuity contracts, because of the dynamic and complex nature of the
expected cash flows, risk-neutral valuations are used. Estimating the underlying cash flows for
these products involves many estimates and judgments, including those regarding expected market
rates of return, market volatility, correlations of market index returns to funds, fund
performance, discount rates and policyholder behavior. With respect to embedded policy derivatives
in AIGs equity-indexed annuity and life contracts, option pricing models are used to estimate fair
value, taking into account assumptions for future equity index growth rates, volatility of the
equity index, future interest rates, and determinations on adjusting the participation rate and the
cap on equity indexed credited rates in light of market conditions and policyholder behavior
assumptions. These methodologies incorporate an explicit risk margin to take into consideration
market participant estimates of projected cash flows and policyholder behavior.
AIGFPs Super Senior Credit Default Swap Portfolio
AIGFP values its CDS transactions written on the super senior risk layers of designated pools
of debt securities or loans using internal valuation models, third-party price estimates and market
indices. The principal market was determined to be the market in which super senior credit default
swaps of this type and size would be transacted, or have been transacted, with the greatest volume
or level of activity. AIG has determined that the
principal market participants, therefore, would consist of other large financial institutions
who participate in sophisticated over-the-counter derivatives markets. The specific valuation
methodologies vary based on the nature of the referenced obligations and availability of market
The valuation of the super senior credit derivatives is challenging given the limitation on
the availability of market observable information due to the lack of trading and price transparency
in the structured finance market. These market conditions have increased the reliance on management
estimates and judgments in arriving at an estimate of fair value for financial reporting purposes.
Further, disparities in the valuation methodologies employed by market participants and the varying
judgments reached by such participants when assessing volatile markets have increased the
likelihood that the various parties to these instruments may arrive at significantly different
estimates as to their fair values.
AIGFPs valuation methodologies for the super senior credit default swap portfolio have
evolved over time in response to market conditions and the availability of market observable
information. AIG has sought to calibrate the methodologies to available market information and to
review the assumptions of the methodologies on a regular basis.
Regulatory capital portfolio: In the case of credit default swaps written to facilitate
regulatory capital relief, AIGFP estimates the fair value of these derivatives by considering
observable market transactions. The transactions with the most observability are the early
terminations of these transactions by counterparties. AIGFP continues to reassess the expected
maturity of the portfolio. AIGFP has not been required to make any payments as part of terminations
initiated by counterparties. The regulatory benefit of these transactions for AIGFPs financial
institution counterparties is generally derived from the terms of the Capital Accord of the Basel
Committee on Banking Supervision (Basel I) that existed through the end of 2007 and which is in the
process of being replaced by the Revised Framework for the International Convergence of Capital
Measurement and Capital Standards issued by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (Basel II).
It was expected that financial institution counterparties would have transitioned from Basel I to
Basel II by the end of the two-year adoption period on December 31, 2009, after which they would
have received little or no additional regulatory benefit from these CDS transactions, except in a
small number of specific instances. However, the Basel Committee announced that it had agreed to
keep in place the Basel I capital floors beyond the end of 2009, although it remains to be seen how
this extension will be implemented by the various European Central Banking districts. Should
certain counterparties continue to receive favorable regulatory capital benefits from these
transactions, those counterparties may not exercise their options to terminate the transactions in
the expected time frame. In assessing the fair value of the regulatory capital CDS transactions,
AIGFP also considers other market data, to the extent relevant and available. For further
discussion, see Note 8 herein.
Multi-sector CDO portfolios: AIGFP uses a modified version of the Binomial Expansion Technique
(BET) model to value its credit default swap portfolio written on super senior tranches of
multi-sector collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) of ABS, including maturity-shortening puts that
allow the holders of the securities issued by certain CDOs to treat the securities as short-term
2a-7 eligible investments under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (2a-7 Puts). The BET model was
developed in 1996 by a major rating agency to generate expected loss estimates for CDO tranches and
derive a credit rating for those tranches, and remains widely used.
AIGFP has adapted the BET model to estimate the price of the super senior risk layer or
tranche of the CDO. AIG modified the BET model to imply default probabilities from market prices
for the underlying securities and not from rating agency assumptions. To generate the estimate, the
model uses the price estimates for the securities comprising the portfolio of a CDO as an input and
converts those estimates to credit spreads over current LIBOR-based interest rates. These credit
spreads are used to determine implied probabilities of default and expected losses on the
underlying securities. This data is then aggregated and used to estimate the expected cash flows of
the super senior tranche of the CDO.
Prices for the individual securities held by a CDO are obtained in most cases from the CDO
collateral managers, to the extent available. CDO collateral managers provided market prices for
63.4 percent of the underlying securities used in the valuation at March 31, 2010. When a price for
an individual security is not provided by a CDO collateral manager, AIGFP derives the price through
a pricing matrix using prices from CDO collateral managers for similar securities. Matrix pricing
is a mathematical technique used principally to value debt securities without relying exclusively
on quoted prices for the specific securities, but rather by relying on the
relationship of the security to other benchmark quoted securities. Substantially all of the
CDO collateral managers who provided prices used dealer prices for all or part of the underlying
securities, in some cases supplemented by third-party pricing services.
The BET model also uses diversity scores, weighted average lives, recovery rates and discount
rates. AIGFP employs a Monte Carlo simulation to assist in quantifying the effect on the valuation
of the CDO of the unique aspects of the CDOs structure such as triggers that divert cash flows to
the most senior part of the capital structure. The Monte Carlo simulation is used to determine
whether an underlying security defaults in a given simulation scenario and, if it does, the
securitys implied random default time and expected loss. This information is used to project cash
flow streams and to determine the expected losses of the portfolio.
In addition to calculating an estimate of the fair value of the super senior CDO security
referenced in the credit default swaps using its internal model, AIGFP also considers the price
estimates for the super senior CDO securities provided by third parties, including counterparties
to these transactions, to validate the results of the model and to determine the best available
estimate of fair value. In determining the fair value of the super senior CDO security referenced
in the credit default swaps, AIGFP uses a consistent process which considers all available pricing
data points and eliminates the use of outlying data points. When pricing data points are within a
reasonable range an averaging technique is applied.
Corporate debt/Collateralized loan obligation (CLO) portfolios: In the case of credit default
swaps written on portfolios of investment-grade corporate debt, AIGFP uses a mathematical model
that produces results that are closely aligned with prices received from third parties. This
methodology is widely used by other market participants and uses the current market credit spreads
of the names in the portfolios along with the base correlations implied by the current market
prices of comparable tranches of the relevant market traded credit indices as inputs. One
transaction, representing one percent of the total notional amount of the corporate arbitrage
transactions, is valued using third-party quotes given its unique attributes.
AIGFP estimates the fair value of its obligations resulting from credit default swaps written
on CLOs to be equivalent to the par value less the current market value of the referenced
obligation. Accordingly, the value is determined by obtaining third-party quotes on the underlying
super senior tranches referenced under the credit default swap contract.
Policyholder Contract Deposits
Policyholder contract deposits accounted for at fair value are measured using an earnings
approach by taking into consideration the following factors:
Current policyholder account values and related surrender charges; |
The present value of estimated future cash inflows (policy fees) and outflows
(benefits and maintenance expenses) associated with the product using
valuations, incorporating expectations about policyholder behavior, market returns and
other factors; and |
A risk margin that market participants would require for a market return and
the uncertainty inherent in the model inputs. |
The change in fair value of these policyholder contract deposits is recorded as Policyholder
benefits and claims incurred in the Consolidated Statement of Income (Loss).
Securities and spot commodities sold but not yet purchased
Fair values for securities sold but not yet purchased are based on current market prices. Fair
values of spot commodities sold but not yet purchased are based on current market prices of
reference spot futures contracts traded on exchanges.
Federal Reserve Bank of New York Commercial Paper Funding Facility
AIG measured the fair value of the period-end balance of commercial paper issued under the
FRBNY Commercial Paper Funding Facility using market interest rates based on the commercial papers
remaining time to maturity. No adjustment was made for AIGs credit spread because the only market
for such paper was the FRBNYs funding facility
Other long-term debt
When fair value accounting has been elected, the fair value of non-structured liabilities is
generally determined by using market prices from exchange or dealer markets, when available, or
discounting expected cash flows using the appropriate discount rate for the applicable maturity.
The discount rate is based on an implicit rate determined with the use of observable CDS market
spreads to determine the risk of non-performance for AIG. Such instruments are generally classified
in Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy as substantially all inputs are readily observable. AIG
determines the fair value of structured liabilities (where performance is linked to structured
interest rates, inflation or currency risks) and hybrid financial instruments (performance linked
to risks other than interest rates, inflation or currency risks) using the appropriate derivative
valuation methodology (described above) given the nature of the embedded risk profile. Such
instruments are classified in Level 2 or Level 3 depending on the observability of significant
inputs to the model. In addition, adjustments are made to the valuations of both non-structured and
structured liabilities to reflect AIGs own creditworthiness based on observable credit spreads of